














A consequence of aging population decrease Japan's health care system quality.

There are not enough medical stuff and not enough fund to hire them.

This is a huge problem in country like Japan where aging population and low child birth late.

The government should take steps to device concrete plan to solve this problem.

is thatという表現を使えなかった


be equipped toを使えるように


The population of young workers are less than the elderly.

The smallest group of people must do all the work to support older generation who are responsible for pension eligibility.

The government can not support the older generation without forcing young people to work unreasonable hours.

this means thatという表現は便利!

carry the responsibilityの表現が出てくるように!

expensive medical care を忘れた!


Taking care of children is expensive for family.

Because parents should pay for education, car, and bigger houses.

Thus, family with fewer children is cost effective.


healthcare を忘れた

spend less moneyという便利な表現!(肯定的にマイナス的なことを言える)



The population of world continues to increase.

Expert predicts that there will be a serious food shortage in the near future.

Countries like Japan which can not produce enough food to their citizens.

So, family with small number of people are advantage of its situation.



only a few decades form nowという洒落た表現!


Young people are less likely to speak with their families.

Even they are at home, they use smartphone to play games and use SNS.

So, the number of speaking with their family members are decreasing.

Because of this, they tend to decrease the opportunity to lean moral lessons through their family.



fewer opportunitiesという品のある言い方。


Many people think that money is the most important thing than other thing.

But, this materialism is dangerous thing.

If the number of people who have the above thought are increasing, people do not feel reluctant to do a horrible thing to make money.

Unless people think that many thing is precious than money, moral values are decreasing in this society.

just to 普通のto不定詞よりも強調の意味合いが強くなる。

find some way to~ という方法をなんとか見つけるニュアンス


These days, public manners are decreasing.

For example, people are not willing to make aloud in train. Also, taking conversations with neighborhood is good things to do.

However, in recent years, this behavior is rude.

put more distance 距離を広げる

not long a go 少し前


polite thing to do これで覚える!


Although religion has been decreasing in the world, moral values are not decreasing.

Several studies show that non religious people have good morals.

However, the people who has high religion has the questionable morals.

this does not means that という意味ではない

the ones with questionable morals 疑わしい道徳を持った人である

it is true of 当てはまる


Urbanization makes local people's life better.

For example, increasing public store such as supermarkets, convenience store, and so on is making local people save time when they can go shopping and eating dinner.

Because human life is improving by urbanization, they can spend much more time speaking with friends and family members.

people in urban area という良い表現

time with loved one 大切な人との時間


focus on 便利な表現なのでスムーズに出てくるようにしたい。


Urbanization improves economy.

Many people in small areas has chance to exchange more ideas and principles, leading to setting up new business.

This effectiveness are beneficial to Japanese economy.


with so many people in small area これもwith句ですね!

get exposed to 晒される

make more useful connections これは完全に忘れていた。



Urbanization affects the environment.

Increasing the number of building and factory polluted the air.

Also, this benefit cause people to forget the affection of nature.

destroy natural ecosystemとharm wildlifeが抜けた。


impact 影響を与える

urban center

people living in urban areas 分詞用法!

have no connection with nature。

have less respect。これらは肯定の中に皮肉のようなものが感じられてgood!

in general これで柔らかい文にしている。


Urbanization can result in the loss of traditional activities.

For example activities like star festival are being lost.

Furthermore, traditional tower are replaced by large building or high skyscraper.

traditional culture and practices としっかり書く!(字数も稼げる)

small, family-run businesses この表現も自動化する!

less common 一般的でなくなってきている

large buildings and skyscrapers これもセットで言えるようにする!


In order to save human lives, violating private privacy is acceptable.

Human lives is more important than any other things.



not as valuable as

then it is acceptable to do so これは汎用性の高い表現だと思う!



Limiting access to privacy do not decrease crimes.

When prepaid phone was introduced, they are famous for drug dealers, because they are difficult to track.

Government and police can easily investigate, however, criminals are also benefit for background.

the amount of information 情報の量


become popular 人気になる。これを瞬時に言えるようにする!


Protecting privacy is vital, because privacy is the fundamental human right recognized in Universal Declaration of Human Right.

If people have less private privacy, they are insecure and afraid.

So, privacy must be protected.


The primary reason that~is that~

Universal Declaration of Human Rights 世界人権宣言(最後にsつける!)

feel vulnerable, insecure and afraid feelが出てくるようにする

just as crucial as maintaining public safety


Some people claim that removing private privacy lead to increasing public safety.

However, this is not necessary true.

For example, the government request large-tech companies to create methods for breaking into devices such as smartphones.

It is possible for police to easily investigate the problem, but it is also possible for criminals to hack the contents in the smartphones.

demand that S Vb

decreasing the security features of devices like this 言えるように!

make it easier for criminals to steal information from private citizens make構文!


There should be laws about speech which hurt someone, In fact, some country established this law, because words can do as harm you as physical deed.


directly harms 直接害を与える

S always exist すでに存在している

it is illegal to Vb

falsely accuse someone of a crime

harm their public reputation by lying

be just as harmful as violence 暴力と同様


Company should be banned to false advertising.

This advertise tricks customer into purchasing goods or services that people actually want.

This behavior is a type of stealing.

lies to the public such as

lie about について嘘をつく

which is a type of stealing


The main reason freedom of speech can not be restricted is what type of speech is unacceptable.

The number of topic surrounding this problem is evidence of this.

Freedom of speech support freedom of thought.

the large number of debates surrounding this topic is 

can not agree what type of speech is unacceptable

結論:奇妙な考え(strange or offensive ideas)を持っていても自由に発言できるべきだ


Free speech is essential the today's society.

Governments need controversial art, science, and so on.

The book which is used in literature class, was banned by government censorship.

It is unacceptable. Freedom of speech support freedom of thought.


needs controversial-and sometimes offensive-art, ideas, and politics スラスラ言えるように!

hundreds of famous books 何百の本

政府がかつて禁止していた理由(the reason that ~ is because)は、want to control the ideas and principles of society in general

, which is unacceptable


The number of women in management position is embarrassing low level in developed country.

In fact, company management is held by women which are 10 percent in all employees.

Also, senior executive level position is only 1 percent of women.

始めはmanagement でなくて executive の方がいい!

country でなくて nation (政治的な意味合いなので)の方がいい!



The number of women in politics is the worst level in other developed nation.

In fact in 100 countries including China and North Korea, Japan's diet member is the most rarely held by women.

Unless the diet increases the women's member, Japanese is not change better.



discriminatory policies are not likely to change unless~ これはかなり使える表現です!


Although Japanese women have much opportunity as men, they are not victimized by human right prejudice.

Country where women are likely to treated as second-class citizen, prevent women from attending to school and doing proper education as men.

But, Japanese women are not treated as above action by government.

do not yet have as many opportunities as men, こちらの方が字数が多いしスッキリしている。

human rights violations 人権侵害

acquire valuable skills これを忘れていた

But in Japan, これは柔らかい響きだと感じます。

world-class education


Japan needs to make fair system in society for women. However this movement is already taking place.

Women deserves more higher pay and better working environment especially after having children.

Many men and women agree on this issue.

Society continues developing to create this fairer system environment for women.


does need to 強調。

be already ~ing すでに〜している 盲点的な表現

the majority of both men and women 男女の大多数が 典型表現!

appear to 柔らかい表現。(断定していないから)

accordingly よって


In recent years, Japan has a serious countrywide discrimination problem.

Some people in Japan discriminate especially Chinese and Korean residents in Japan. However, not all Japanese discriminate those people.

In fact, government continues to seek a method for alleviating those movement.

That is why government creates the law banning hate speech.


is seen to be a major problem これは素敵な表現。ディスってなく淡々と事実を述べているように見える。

not all Japanese 部分否定

these minorities これを一般論として使えるように

protect and support them 結論はこれ。


The member of LGBT community is improving than ever before.

For example Japanese gay residents say that they feel less physically threatened than in home countries. Also , some city in Tokyo accept same sex marriage.

in recent years,

much more supportive of

in some areas of Tokyo,


changes shows that


LGBT members are not accept in some areas.

For example, gay people say that we feel scarce to coming out to our family members.

Though some city are accepted same sex partnership, government are looking for ways to ban them.

Also, homosexual couples can not spouse visa in Japan.


very unwelcoming place for

due to fear of rejection



Many people have common to hear that racism is the worst deed.

For example, Japan's minority, right-wing groups has the speech which contains racism against Korean residents and Chinese residents in Japan.

However, this speech is small group of Japanese, rather than all Japanese claim.

That is why, government set a law, banning hate speech.

Japan's treatment of

do not reflect the opinions of

in general 全体として

pass a law


In order to stop crimes, media should not looked by children.

Many scientists show that children are vulnerable to violent media, and especially teenager are easily affected.

It leads to violent behavior and more aggressive.


for years 数年の間


connection between ~and~

violence and the media

in their teenage years


We should focus on increasing income rather than punishing people to reduce crime.

Punishing people who commit crimes is tentative effective, but they are likely to commit crimes after prison.

Instead, we should give poor household a good education.

,not G


send them to prison

but, this does not solve the problem

as many people return to crime after prison

for poor households


Japan is the second lowest murder rate in the world.

This is because Japan ban the gun and weapon in the law established in 1958.

That leads to the society Japan is the most pease place in the world.


the ownership of

is one reason that


Installing surveillance camera decreases crime.

Many studies show that criminals are likely to commit crimes where many surveillance camera installed.

However, some argue that crime goes to areas with less supervision, Video evidence is a powerful ways to prevent crimes.

in order to deter violence, まず用途・目的をいう。

while 一方で(対立を言いたい時の接続詞)

discourage violence and other criminal acts


Japan should not set surveillance camera.

This is because no study shows that it contributes to decrease crimes.

Unless it leads to decrease crimes by scientific data, no matter what solutions should not be funded.

some peopleが主語


there is not substantial evidence that~

good citizens

in any crime prevention techniques unless~


When minors commit crimes, life imprisonment is rarely qualified.

If criminals accidentally killing person, heavy penalties can not be accepted.

Also, if young people understand that their behavior is serious effects, then, young people should be accepted heavy penalties such as life imprisonment.


criminals' intentions are important

but when a crime is intentional, then~

likewise 同様に

the results of their actions


The detail of some crime, The recent study shows that some minor can make adult decision.

There is a number which divides between child and adult age, however this number vary from countries.

For example, 16-year-old child have a mental capacity of20-year-old adult.

the details of some crimes show that 未成年者は意思決定ができる


but in reality

should vary for each person

some children develop more quickly than others

'' child'' などの強調


Young people's brain is not developing.

People's brain is improving mid-20's, so it is careful to discuss about punishing for minors.


research has shown that〜

an indivisual's mid-20's


must be taken into account 考慮されなければならない


Young people's behavior can be rehabilitated through proper guidance and education.

It is costly for young people to send prisons. Instead of this, it makes sense to build a lot of education facilities such as schools to educate these young people.


there is a high chance that 高い可能性がある! 夢を語るときに使えそう。

rather than G 〜するよりも(動名詞で繋げたいときに必須の表現)

keep minors in prisons 若者を刑務所に入れておく

invest in ~ ~に投資する。(〜は名詞形)



The goal of prisons are that criminals change their mind and behavior.

Someone said that prison is more effective measure, however, it is important to improve its incumbent prisons system.



one of the main goals of prisons

while 対比





Prisons can prevent criminals to stop crime, because no one want to lose freedom.


bad living conditions in prisons

refrain form

the threat of prisons


Punishing criminals do not reduce crimes.

In order to reduce crimes, criminals are educated to be a good member of society.

This activity leads to their good jobs which are not involved crimes.



to reduce crime, 問題提起

help to 構文がメインみたい。

become good member of society

this can be done by

help them to obtain useful skills,~

that do not involve crime


Downloading copyrighted music and movies online illegally is a crime.

Stealing digital products online is as the same as stealing physical products from stores.

people need to realize that

society will fall apart if~

So, it makes sense to~ make senseだったか・・・。


Illegal downloading is a serious damage to the world economy.

Singles purchased in UK in 1991 is decreased by illegal downloading.

Also, entertainment companies are damaged and their employee are damaged. That leads to harm the economy.

is a threat to 誰にとって?

in the last twenty years



this is partly due to illegal downloading

cause damage to 誰にとって?

working hard to produce~ (現在分詞!)


Punishing illegal downloading music and movies are unrealistic.

There are millions of people who download illegally them in hundreds of countries.

The cost of capturing them is astronomical and small percentage of them is unfair.

Therefore punishing illegal downloader is not realistic.

it is not possible to punish everyone that downloads~

millions of ~ download ~ without permission

all of them 彼ら全て

also, it is unfair to only fine or imprison~

a small percentage of these people


Illegal downloading is little effects in revenue.

Several studies in Europe has the evidence of this.

People illegally downloading music and movie would not buy these products even if they did not purchase illegally.

Plus, actually the revenue in the number of music and movies are increasing.

This leads to downloading music and movies are not serious effects in the economy.

there is not enough evidence to prove that 名詞節 存在するかがメインなのでthere is構文

actually has very little influence on ~

according to this study,

the majority of people who~

even if they could not obtain it illegally

increase the popularity of music,

which leads to higher revenue


The world population is increasing and expected to be 10 billion by 2050.

This leads to major food shortage in the world and depletion of natural resources.

That is why, equality is decreasing rapidly.

causing the depletion of resources

there will also be major food shortages around this time

these problem are likely to get worse, worsening equality


Poverty can be eliminated.

Technological development leads to do it.

However, decreasing poverty does not means that eliminating inequality.

In The United States, the gap between the rich and poor is getting bigger gradually.

fixing poverty が主語

thanks to

it is theretically possible that


however, this does not mean that


will record high

in country like the U.S.


Thanks to technological development, inequality can be eliminate eventually.

For example, developmental robot industry leads to decreasing workload.

Thus, much money is spent on people's happy life.

development が主語

will lead to less work

expert estimate that

perform nearly half of all jobs

this low-cost productivity will

boost the economy, and the extra money can be spent to improve  the lives of the poor



Education help the third world to escape poverty.

The reason why many people in those countries stay in poverty is that they can not be taught by skills such as investment and so on.

If more people are educated, more people think what is happening in the world, which leads to a world where poverty can be eliminated.

education will become accessible to everyone

is that they do not know how to Vb

they have never received

related to 〜と関連して

saving and investing money, acquiring valuable skills

will be available for free on the Internet


The real cause of world hunger is not scarcity of food.

The world already have much more food to feed 10 billion people on the planet.

The problem is that there are fewer transportation and higher its cost in developing countries.

If this problem were solved, poverty would be totally eliminated.


enough food to


make this food available and affordable to

since there is already sufficient food,

should decrease as transportation and production costs go down(この文にはshouldが省略されている??いいえas以下で見れば解決


The development of technology leads to decrease poverty.

By production cost and promotion cost decreasing, more food can access to world poorest people.


one key to combating world hunger is ~

the likelifood of this

automated farming tools has the potential to ~annually

and this technology is improving rapidly

with more efficient transportation also emerging with句

it will not be long before~

reach 行き渡る


The population continue to increase. Scientists estimate that there will be around 10 billion in 2050.

The earth can sustain 2 billion people. However, the planet contains 7 billion people these days, and there will be 10 billion.

The planet can not sustain those much people.

is currently growing

at an alarming and unsustainable rate

experts estimate that

but there are already over 7 billion people

and that number is likely to reach around 10 bullion

such a great number of people


Development of technology leads to decrease the fossil fuels.

Human use much natural gas which the earth can maintain.


as the world population grows,

are disappearing

scientific calculations,

than the earth can continue to produce

with our current consumption patterns

deplete 枯渇させる

fossil fules, wildlife areas, and, in turn, food supply


The development of technology leads to decrease world poverty.

Due to advancement in agricultural equipment, many companies save money, and this can be used for another purposes.


will be a major reason for the elimination of poverty

in particular.

lead to a world where we have more food,

but people need to work less



Poverty can not be eliminated, because people are increasing rapidly.

Scientist estimated that there will be around 10 billion by 2050.

Additionally, natural resources are decreasing, such as fossil fuels, amazon rainforest, and so on.

too many people in the future

meanwhile, 一方で

the world's supply of fossil fuels, rainforests, and other natural resources is decreasing



The development of quality of life is good for world.

Not only people are educated but also people are aware of people which are suffering poor community.

Education for them is a vital things to solve the world poverty.

quality of life and education are improving constantly

not only are people becoming more educated, 逆にする!

as awareness and education increase,

more fortunate people will use their knowledge and skills to~

those who are less fortunate


Globalization leads to society where people sympathy others who are in poverty.

Globalization also increases chances that people study the situation where the world are in danger. In conclusion, people are more likely to learn about many thing.

as globalization increases, the world becomes more connected

wealthy people become more aware of the poor conditions that many people are living in この部分日本語ではわかるのだけど英語にできなかった

and they are more likely to help

poverty will become a problem that is impossible to ignore


Globalization do not solve poverty.

Due to aggressive competition to foreign market and skilled workers, Japanese market are weaker than that companies and professionals. Globalization can not solve this problem.

as the world becomes more connected, これテンプレ化している表現なのだろうか。

all market become more competitive

people with less access to education

in turn,

will be unable to escape poverty


As long as political corruption exists, world poverty can not be eliminated.

Sadly though, it is not likely clear the political corruption. Human is greedy by nature, and want to misuse their power. In this reasons, world poverty can not be eliminated.

it is unlikely that the world will ever be free of political corruption

politicians have too many opportunities to misuse their power

the poor get left behind


To improve poverty, many counties governments should take measures to educate people who are in poverty.

Rather than providing financial aid, they should support to teach them to how to love wealthy and happy life.

For example, development of farming tools is beneficial to people who are engaged in farming.

Simply providing support money is meaningless.

living condition in developing countries,

individuals must have opportunities to advance their own economic position

giving farmers access to biotechnology is ~

providing financial aid

use this new information to sell their own crops and stimulate the local economy


Development of agricultural technology leads to more conserve water, because 70 percent of water is used in agriculture.

Historically speaking, much water is wasted through farming which needs to flow of water. Nowadays though, farmer use many techniques such as drip irrigation or organic farming.

better technology and education が主語

nowadays, though,

techniques to conserve water,

such as drip irrigation and organic farming


Global warming is a serious problem for climate change.

Climate change leads to heavier rain fall, However, it does not means that it increases drinkable water.

Instead, there are lots of floods which makes flush water into the sea.

Thus, leaving this area a desolate one.



climate changeが主語

will give rise to 引き起こす = cause(後で出てくる)

is linked to heavier rainfall,

does not result in more drinking water



One of the key to conserve water demand is to educate people about the importance of water.

For example, recently in California, their water are reduced by 30 percent than before. Educating people about water resource is beneficial to conserve water.

educate 人 about 事柄

once ひとたび

- and as it become more expensive-

careful about how they use it

this happened recently California


With regard to water, water distribution is a major problem than any other thing.

However, economic development solve this problem naturally.


distribution が主語

storage and transport of water need to improve


people will continue to demand cheap access to drinkable water

これが(this means)政府と企業がインフラを改善する契機になる(結論


The world has plenty of water.

However, the only problem is that it is not drinkable.

The earth contain of water which share 98 percent.

If water technology is more improved, everyone on earth can drink healthy water.

the only problem is that most of it is not drinkable


-for example, with the development of desalination facilities- これは前後の文の中の挿入句的な位置付け。


International terrorism can not be destroyed.

Because government and police unintentionally give powers to terrorists.

Terrorists often use media to publicize attacks, from this perspective, the war against terrorism is the terrorist's greatest supporter.

is to cause widespread fear

this can not be done through terrorist attack alone

from this perspective この見地から

War Against Terrorism


Globalization makes terrorism one of the best system of warfare.

Thanks to the development of technology, terrorist attacks can be shared instantly by media coverage.

This mean that media can lead to be the form of terrorist attacks.


one of the most effective forms of warfare

advances in technology,

people around the world can share news and information in soconds

terrorist attack can instantly be shared

-even billions- of people

as globalization continues,

it will become even easier for terrorists to get media coverage



The government use techniques to stop terrorism.

There are skills to prevent terrorism from happening.

Thus, government have prevented crimes for decades.

one reason that

are becoming highly skilled at ~

dozens of terrorist attacks

as government technology advances,



Development of technology leads to decreases the number of terrorism.

Better living condition and public transportation reduces public discrimination.

More and more companies take initiative in developing their infrastructure, fewer people become terrorist.

improved international equality が主語

will lead to the disappearance of

political policies これ言えるように!

are resulting in less discrimination and more opportunities for minority groups

if more poeple feel that they are being treated fairly,


will become terrorists


The main reason that nuclear weapons should be banned is that they threatened all worlds.

The two major nations The United States and Russia do not use nuclear weapons after dropping Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Because they understand that dropping them is a huge catastrophic climate change.

This cloud block out from the sun and this leads to widespread famine all people.

if two nation~

used nuclear weapons against each other,

it would be 〜だろう

smoke form fire would~

causing(引き起こす) widespread famine and


Nuclear weapons are dangerous because of its development and preservation.

Nuclear substances persist in for thousands years.

Also, it is difficult to maintain especially, in developing countries where people are not well trained.

to develop and maintain

altough ~ has never been detonated accidentally,

does exist 強調のdo

one mistake could result in

this is particularly true in

limited access to

professsional equipment and trained professionals


Nuclear weapons are only thing to prevent wars.

Dropping them do not happen after Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

Because leaders in many countries understand that dropping them leads to catastrophic damage to the world.

Thus, nuclear weapons should use to prevent wars.

one of the few weapons in the world that(この関係代名詞はweaponsにかかっている)

there has not been a large-scale violent conflict

since first nuclear boms were dropped in ~

this is because ~

would be catastrophic


Outlawing nuclear weapons are unrealistic goal.

The two major companies which have much access to nuclear weapon are The United States and Russia.

They have rarely used the mass destruction weapons for decades, because their government know that the use of these weapons have dire consequences in the world.

Instead, many companies have better the idea that nuclear weapons is used to showcase its defenses against other aggressive countries.


with the most nuclear weapons

-Russia and the United States-

are unlikely to

make it clear that

if necessary


Military spending is needed for self defense.

If the country know that other country will attack our country, the preemptive strike is justified. Everyone has a right to safety and security, Also, everyone has a right to fight for safety and security.

There is no leader in the world where military spending are not used in self defense.

in some situations,

military force is necessary for self-defense

if it is clear that another country is likely to attack

a right to fight for

there are almost no leaders in the world against using a military for self-defense


Powerful militaries is sometimes justified.

For example, militaries should have used to solve the genocide in Rwanda in 1993.


there are times when~to protect people who~

are weak and in danger

should act as the police of the world

one example where ~

is in Rwanda in 1994

and as a result over 1 million~


Military action should be banned, because it contributes to the situation where many people suffer.

It is terrible for solder to kill one another, and even worse, it kills average person who are not solders.

the main reason that ~

is not justifiable is that

the deaths of innocent people

it is even worse when

suffer due to war


There is a growing tendency toward globalization is more and more becoming.

In this situation, today's war is not used in nuclear weapons in major two nations, The United State and China, because it would be catastrophic consequence.

Instead, these two nations choose the war using digital platform such as cyber war.

due to advances in

the primary ''wars'' between ~

economic and digital

understand that going to war would be a disaster

''fight'' using economic policies and various forms of cyber warfare


Military spending should be decreased in many countries, because there are more important things.

The development of education and infrastructure is more beneficial to society.


so that more can be spent on more important things like education and infrastructure

spending money to make our children more intelligent and knowledgeable

greatest investment we can make


Military spending should be decreased, because there are countries where they are unlikely to pay for guard for the country.

For example, countries like Ireland, Iceland and Mexico, are rarely attacked by other countries.

So, countries need not to quip with military guard.

In conclusion, military spending should decreased and this budget should use more useful purpose such as solving world poverty and food shortage.

without powerful militaries

have extremely low military spending

they do not get invaded by other countries

, instead


Military spending is needed, because we can not anticipate future.

Growing number of people along with natural degradation, and depletion of fossil fuels, there will be a serious problems in the future. Thus, we need to military action at this time.

should not be decreased

because the future is unpredictable

due to rapidly~

along with deforestation and climate change,

if this does happen

to secure resources

as they say, ''better safe than sorry''


Military spending should increase.

Military technology is beneficial for living, such as computer, microwaves, and GPS system which improve the quality of life.


actually improves the education and technology of society in general

members of the military are able to acquire special skills,

for the  rest of their lives

also, developments in military technology 

a variety of benefits for average people

GPS systems all started as military technology



Free trade is beneficial to many countries.

For two country to have a good relations, it is need to vanish the barriers to trade each other fairly.

is good for international relations

treat each other's citizens and businesses fairly

one way to do this is by

barriers to trading with one another

log-term prosperity


Free trade actually increase job market overall.

Critics complain that free trade decreases economy.

However, lower cost and high quality products leads to competition with foreign workers, which improves the world economy.

is good for economic growth

it is common for domestic workers to complain about losing their jobs to foreign workers,

wastes less money

when competition increases  and prices decrease

int other words


Free trade develops the economy.

Government requires company to create high quality products at low prices.

This behavior leads to the heathy economy.

However this means that incompetent company may deserve go out of business.

the main benefit of free trade is that

are forced to

are protected by import taxes

feel less pressure to improve their products, services, and  prices

not good for economy

can not compete with an international company


Free trade could lead to consumer benefits.

Free trade generates competitiveness of companies, thus lowering prices of products.

This system are likely to save money which consumer consumes.

That is why, this extra money sends to government funds so that new jobs are created.

is good for consumers

when businesses compete

with lower prices

have more money to spend

is spent on other products and services, and new jobs are created as a  result


Free trade damages to the economy.

Company should make high quality products at low price, however, this means that incompetent companies lose their jobs by losing competition against foreign companies.

People lose their jobs and local economy are damaged.

a major problem with free trade is that

cannot compete with the low prices of foreign companies

have to close

this means that~

completely destroyed


Free trade undermines the local business.

Foreign companies which dominate the world economy has many products appearing worldwide.

Japanese companies can not compete with foreign companies products with high quality products and low prices.

That is why, Japanese local business and culture are likely to disappear.

can lead to the disappearance of

some countries with highly powerful corporations can dominate industries globally

extremely high number of their products appearing in many countries

unique products often disappear as a result


Import tax protects local economy.

Foreign company can sell products at low prices, thus our companies which are less incompetent than foreign counterpart may go into bankrupt.

Import tax saves the situation.

cause to 構文の文ですね。

one of  the primary benefits of~ is that

local jobs and companies

some foreign companies have extremely low labor costs

this can cause local companies to go out of business

,which 全文を受ける関係代名詞

cause citizens to lose their jobs


The positive aspect of import tariff is that they will strengthen the national industry.

It is impossible to predict what will happen in the future.

a positive aspect of~ is that

vital industries

for national security

it is theoretically possible that これ以降が書けていなかった

that their citizens require


Import taxes leads to unemployment rate.

Proponent of import tax system is said that it contributes to increase job and raise employment rate, however, actually tariff causes unemployment rates.

the main disadvantage of import taxes  is that~

harm employment rates

proponents of

say they are needed so that ~

cause prices to rise, and the market stagnates


Import tariff increases incompetitive companies where staff is not motivated better products.

Their companies produces low quality products, thus many shops buy these products at high prices form the less competitive companies.

tariff promote the emergence and growth of ineffective companies

they have less incentive to create higher quality products

market where 市場の関係副詞を場所をとります。


The disadvantages of import tax is that they would hurt the economy.

For example there is a tariff against wheel, however local company are trouble in soaring its prices.

They are also trouble in making their products with this wheel.

tariffs actually hurt the majority of business

for example,

there is a tariff on raw materials like

producer of those goods can control the market and raise prices

cause major problems 大きな問題を引き起こす(toなしでも使える


It is common to say that tax is too high.

This complaint has been made by citizen.

With import tax around the world, Japanese government has slightly shift tax burden to foreign companies.

import taxes generate ~

a common complain of citizens is that~

by using tariffs,

this is a good thing for local people and companies that want lower taxes


Immigrant policy leads to the increase in working population in Japanese country.

Governments have difficult time in producing workforce without forcing young people to work unreasonable hours.

More and more immigrants into our country fix the problem that is occurring Japanese society in general.

due to Japan's

eventually need to

will have difficult time ~


could get more workers by


If Japan has a lenient immigration policy, many skilled workers are coming to Japan.

Lots of foreign workers love Japan and Japanese culture, and they are likely to contribute to society.

if japan has more lenient immigration policies

it will attract ~

there are millions of ~

hard-working people

that would love to live and work in japan

if they were allowed into the country

in many ways


Increasing workforce in japan leads to decrease wages for poorest workers, because they compete with foreign counterpart.

Companies do not reason that foreign workers are willing to work for low wages.

So, lenient immigration policy contributes to problem.

research shows that

lead to decreased wages for the poorest workers

for lower salaries in order to  compete with migrant workers


Lenient immigration policy lead to increase tax revenues.

More immigration in Japan, illegal immigrants are in it.

They are benefit infrastructure such as high quality roads, law enforcement and so on.

Because they do not pay this Japanese system, proper citizens are forced to pay high tax rates.

lenient immigration policies would lead to

illegal immigrants

even でさえ


to fund these

instead, legal citizens are forced to


If more people join the work force in Japan, people are capable of learning other cultures.

Also, language ability of Japan is improving.

Which is one of the serious problems because of today's global society need to person who are good at english.

if more people from other countries join the workforce in japan,

Japanese people can learn more about other cultures,

as well

language barriers are one of Japan's biggest disadvantages in the global economy

to do business and visit for vacations


International conflicts are the much less problem in Japan.

However, Japan should not to ignore them.

Japan is a peaceful nation, but being a peaceful nation, Japan should tackle the problems with maturity. Only ignoring these phenomenon is meaningless.


ignoring international conflicts does not help to solve them

but, participating with maturity does

but part of being a peaceful nation is actively trying to stop international conflicts from escalating

最後に結論。it is not enough to simply ignore conflicts,

which is what causes them to get out of control


Though terrorism and weapon with mass destruction is a serious problem in the world, The US think that cyber crime is the most dangerous thing than above two things.

the most threatening danger for most developed countries are online (SVの文章

the U.S. Director of national Intelligence

rank as

, ahead  of terrorism and weapons of mass destruction

dedicate more resources to improving defenses against cyber-attacks


Japan needs to prepare the international threat than increasing military spending.

Japan is not affected any conflicts which occurring many country.

But intensifying defenses are effective. For example, North Korea's missiles are danger to Japan.

Because they are improving nuclear weapons and developing power of arms, Japan needs to prepare it seriously.

focus more on

joining conflicts abroad

very little connection to most conflicts that are occurring

it is important to be prepared for

one example is ~

as  Japan could be a possible target when its nuclear weapons improve


The world has the way how to switch to renewable energy.

Scientists has a detailed plan to replace natural gas with renewable energy such as solar, wind, and thermal power.

The only problem remains is that government and average person's notion.

already capable of

have presented detailed plans showing how the entire world could theoretically be powered by~

the technology already exist

that remains is getting it adopted


Renewable energy costs continue to cheap, so everyone use to start them.

For example, solar panels is becoming so cheap every year.

thanks to developments in technology

sustainable energy sources are becoming more cost effective きちんと書くとこれくらいの長さになる

recently in Australia

it was found that ~

wind energy was cheaper than using coal and natural gas

become cheaper



will be so cheap that~


Although scientist show that there is a method for replacing fossil fuels with renewable energy, it is difficult to do so.

In order to do so, it is necessary to get an agreement from government and public.

society in general is~

it is  possible , in theory, to ~

replace fossil fuels with renewable energy

such theories

in investment

extensive public education

organizing all of thse is not likely


The dependance of fossil fuels are increasing.

The development of technology make the entire world more rely on natural gas.

More accurate technology of drilling and more cheaper the price of natural gas, the government do not decrease the use of fossil fuel.

society が主語

is still too dependent of  え、まだ?という気持ちがこめられている。

have acknowledge that~

making  it easier to

making it cheaper

as long as there is an afforadable supply,


Removing fossil fuels are time consuming activity.

Back in the 19th century, It is decades for coal to replace natural gas.

Also, it will more time for fossil to replace renewable energy.

Because it requires many machines.

will be a lengthy, complex process

back in the 19th century, for example,

it took over 50 years for coal to replace wood

as the main source of energy

take much longer

such a large number of machines use theseresources


The problem of fossil fuels are dangerous to our planet.

Many plant and other factory is generating natural gas which are major culprit of global morning.

In order to alleviate this situation, many people should educate this situation.

the world cannnot handle the environmental impact of

prediceted that there will be a huge problems

due to global warming

as these problems worsen,

start to avoid using fossil fuels

already starting to realize that~

is at stake


Dependent to fossil fuels is a problem, because its countries are less economic development.

The money which import fossil fuels form other countries should be used to other beneficial aims.

So, many countries should switch to renewable energy.

countries will work to ~

so that they can be more independent

, which means that they need to import them

in order to increase security and put more money into the local economy


The public are starting to demand renewal sauce energy.

For example people are buying electric cars , solar panel and so on.

is starting to ~ options

on their homes

this is especially true in developed countries

about the extensive damage we are causing to this planet


Though there are limited source of fossil fuels, we use it for more decades from now.

although there is a limited supply of fossil fuels in the world,

enough to last for several more decades

transitioning will be a slow process

with less money


Energy companies have much money and dominate measures against environmental issue.

Also, energy businesses's policy affect the government policy.

Because of this, government might not change the idea that nuclear power would not be decreasing in the future.

make a lot of money on fossil fuels,

so they will continue to promote their use for many years

major oil companies

aside form dominating the energy industry,

will not fully support the switch to renewable energy sources


The lack of recycling plastic products are major problem in environment.

There are many plastic products using one time.

Also, scientists estimate that there are 5 trillion plastic debris in the ocean.

a lack of recycling worldwide is a〜

a large percentage of plastic products are ~

after being used only once

end up in the ocean

pieces of plastic debris


The general consensus about recycling is too great is dubious thing.

For example recycling materials such as plastic and glass emit much heat.

That is why this leads to causes of global warming problem.

the general consensus is that

more recycling is always good

aluminum and paper from recycled materials

save money and decreases greenhouse emissions


to recycling plastic and glass

is not cost-effective


Afforestation is taking place in many areas in the world.

For example, there is a afforestation in Ecuador where half million trees are planted at 1day.

Consequently, many areas in the world are often taking place to do afforestation.


time and money を投資。

there was an even tin Equador where

over half a million trees ~

great efforts are being made to preserve nature


Protecting forest is important problem.

For example Brazil which contains large amount of world's rainforest, is decreasing deforestation.

Also, The United Nations often meets to host a conferences which discuss how to decrease deforestation.

nation around the world are doing more to

Amazon rainforest

the United Nations Forum on Forests

to plan and  promote the sustainable management and protection of forests all over the world


The number of human is increasing rapidly and consumption level are too high.

Also, forest all over the world are diminishing.

That is why, people should create method for alleviate food shortage in the near future.

the human population continues to increase

and consumption levels are too high in developed countries

are required to ~ 仕方のなさを出すニュアンス

find  a sustainable solution for managing this rapid  growth and high consumption


Though people are trying to do reforestation policies, positive change is not enough.

People should consume resources less than that quantity which the earth sustain.

Until this activity are successful, reforestation policy is considered to be failure.

although many nations have begun to

and the rate of deforestation is slowing,

not happening quickly enough

consistently consuming less resource than the planet can sustain,

should be considered  a failure overall

to reverse these problems


Protecting wildness area is good for maintaining natural environment.

to ensure biodiversity,

we must do more to

failing to do so would mean the mass extinctions of several specials,

adversely affect the availability of food and medicine

drop in biodiversity also negatively impact human health 結局人間にも影響するのである。


Traditional areas where natives are living in are important place.

This place is based on ritual, spiritual, and healthy activities.

If this place is vanished, natives loss their points.

Protecting these places are necessary.

the livelihood of many indigenous peoples

a source of food, medicine, spirituality, and culture for them

we are also protecting their ability to grow crops, obtain herbs to treat illness, and preserve their cultural and spiritual heritage


Developing technology is more important than protecting wildness areas.

Decreasing nature is a serious problem but there is a more important thing.

Not only more school should build to educate children for future generation but also build education facilities.

This would lead to better country where more people are creative.

the necessity of

is more important than protecting wilderness areas

not only do we have to 倒置

to accommodate future generations

expand our economic infrastructure so that 


Nuclear power generation facilities are degradation of natural environment.

Nuclear substances are leaving thousands of years after there are no useful.

Also, it is impossible to think about what will happen in the future.

Because of this, government can not set targets to solve this problem.

plants are too valunerable to disasters and attacks

that occurred in Fukushima in 2011 shows the

may be a target for attacks by terrorists and other governments

cyber-attacks~ in Korea and Iran


Disposing radioactive waste is a major problem.

It is several thousand years for nuclear waste to vanishing.

Therefore, it is impossible for government to develop concrete plans to show process decreasing this waste.

nuclear fuel remains high radioactive 

after it is no longer useful

there is no way to know what might happen 

design a reliable process for disposing of this waste


Nuclear facility is more reliable than fossil fuels.

Fossil fuels are limited resources, however, nuclear energy is unlimited, and it is clean energy.

nuclear power is ~

than other power sources

renewable energy sources such as ~

generate energy consistently over long periods of time

the fuel to run these power plants will last~


Nuclear facilities are developing new generation system.

Traditional systems are nuclear fission to generate power, Additionally, today's new system is nuclear fusion to generate power which is occurred naturally in stars.

If this way are in common, people have unlimited energy.

nuclear power reserch is very promising

currently use

generate power using

succeed in doing this

unlimited source of energy


It is common that nuclear power energy consume less greenhouse gases than fossil fuels, the truth is far from this.

Many studies show that nuclear energy emit more heat than fossil fuels.

That is why, nuclear power plants is the major culprit of global warming problem.

while proponents of

contribute much less to

the truth is far from this

does emit far less

generate far more heat

significantly increases


Traditional education system requires several high cost.

Commuting to campus and high tuition fees are the points which students suffer to make ends meet.

On the other hands, Online education is lower than traditional education system.

So, in the future, children will tend to choose online education system.

traditional universities

have risen consistently

are required for commuting to

for students that

this makes online alternatives ~


Modern society is no longer valid for academic standard.

Many people think that it needs for people to live happy lives, the truth is far from this.

If you study hard and good scores in exam, you will enter the good university, and you are supposed to get a life time employment position.

But this is anachronism. people who educate from online is valid for today's society.

a university degree

realize that

come from

are likely to hire more of these people

using skills


College experience with friends is a good things. Making friends in college campus is a vital thing in their life.

Friends who we know until they are old is precious.

Also, it is useful to seek jobs and so on.

attending a~ allows ~ to

in university,

which is very valuable

moreover,knowing ~

so the conventional ~

both personal and professional reasons


There is a growing tendency toward education costs go down, especially, European countries.

For example, German has removed high school education cost.

This leads to the situation where students have a good education as much fee as online education.

policies that ~ becoming more popular

completely eliminated

enjoy the benefits of

while keeping fees as low as ~


Education is accessible and more cheap than before. For example, people can learn skills such as internet marketing, web-design, and so on.

becoming cheaper and more accessible

now possible


in developing ~

is increasing rapidly

more opportunities


Testing moral issues is difficult.

Today's education system is for paper-based test. However, it is difficult for moral matters to be tested precisely.

In this reason, many people or school avoid testing moral lesson.

the current ~

not ~ enough

overly focus on

testing is certainly necessary and effective in some cases

give tests about

no single correct solution for ~

morals and ethics


The ultimate goal of Japanese education is that if you study hard and do well on the exam, you will be a good university student and prestigious company.

But, life time employment is not a realistic goal.

-lifetime employment at a prestigious company- is ~

theoretically, ~ for life


In international ranking, Japan is the highest score in math, reading, and science.

This lead to the creation the major companies like Toyota, Sony and Canon.

Also, it is make sense that many Japanese chemistry win novel prizes.


scores extremely high in ~

it is not uncommon for ~ to win Nobel prizes,



Japan's current education system is clearly not working.

If it were working, Japan's economy is working naturally. However it is not working for decades.

Also, young people are not willing to take risks, and language education is not working which is essential to today's global society.

clearly not working

if it were working

suffered problems continuously the last two decades

language education is largely unsuccessful


The problem of Japanese education system is for standardized test.

Schools should focus on creative thinking, program solving abilities and social skills that is essential to live in the Japanese economy.

Traditional school system is not useful to this economy.

the Japanese education system needs to


but all of that studying is for standardized tests



Children are safer when they have smartphones.

There are apps to get the location of children.

Plus, there are apps to storage children's health information in smartphone.

there are now apps that

using GPS

such as child's allergies or medical conditions

with tool like these,

could save children's lives


Smartphones are great tools for interacting relationships with friends and family members.

For example, children can chat , play games and even share homework with their friends.

However, children without smartphones can be possible target being bullied.

In conclusion, smartphones are making good or bad relationships and people with smartphones should use it appropriately so that they are good relationships with friends.

friends and building strong relationships

using smartphones,

even help each other with homeworks

a child without sumartphones will be left out of social activities and possibly even bullied


There are several harmful website which do not appropriate for children.

Some website contains adult material.

Such websites are dangerous for children, because they trick children into meeting with kidnapper and child molester.

children should not be given access to the Internet by ~

aside form 加えて

it is also risky for children to interact with new people online

could be deceived into meeting with a kidnapper or a child molester


People are addictive to smartphones. Many people do not live life without smartphones, because they are so dependent on them.

So, it should be prohibit that children can obtain the material which do harm to children.

studies have revealed that ~ for some people

are unable to maintain a normal lifestyle without access to their smartphones


this can often harm interpersonal relationships


any devices that cause obsession and addiction


The developing technology leads to decrease traditional culture.

People lived in rural areas are leaving this city to urban area.

This activity leads to decrease rural culture, for example, kimono making is decreasing in Japanese culture.

due to changes in the global economy,

moving to cities

also, young people are less likely to work at family businesses,

especially in small, rural towns

practices are being lost

for example, many forms of traditional kimono making are ~


Traditional culture is disappearing fast in developing countries.

For example, Chinese is rural based, and governments boost the urbanization.

Chinese traditions are destroyed and other country's traditional values are also disappearing gradually.

in quickly developing countries

since 2000, a huge number of Chinese villages have disappeared

part of the reason for this is that the government forces urbanization


this means that ~

countless valuable traditions are being destroyed


Hosting sporting event leads to increase money.

It requires people to develop infrastructure which needs jobs.

Although all jobs are not permanent, several years later, people return to city hosted the game.

an international sporting event leads to the creation of new jobs

these events require investment in building stadiums and hotels


some of them last for multiple years,

and the local people are able to acquire new skills and save money


Hosting sporting event makes local residents better significantly, because of better public services including public transportation and infrastructure.

Local residents use improved public services.

Also, this local area's reputation is improving and, this place might attracts people to do business several years later.

investment in infrastructure benefits local people significantly

for example, improvements to public transportation are usually required

before hosting a major sporting event

after the event is over,

this improved infrastructure makes people's lives easier

also, ~ to do business


The cost of hosting sporting event is astronomical.

In order to develop infrastructure, the expensive cost of them is required.

the costs of preparing for~

in addition to building

most areas also need to improve their transpportation systems and infrasutructure

this can cost billions of dollars

because of this,

lose a significant amount of money 


Hosting sporting event is attached to danger such as terrorism.

Growing number of terrorist attacks in the world, we need to increase security for these thread.

improving security for major events

due to the increased danger of terrorism,

security must be strengthened significantly

for large events,

extremely expensive

also, it is difficulet to manage security 

~ are not well-trained

so the safety of local people also goes down


Hosting international sporting event has been increasing the number of transportation and tourism industry.

However, some people say that this boost in publicity can not compensate for the expensive money used in hosting these event.

The important thing is to think that the long-term effect. Some people might visit this area several years later.

international sporting events attract a great amount of attention to  local communities

this result in more tourism

this boost in publicity does not compensate for the high costs of hosting these events,

but, it is important to consider the long-term effects

some international tourists


Although hosting sporting event is beneficial to society, local business is sometime affected by these event.

For example, increased heavy traffic prevent companies with delivery tracks.

Also, increased prices like hospitals and hotels make local people bad about their living.

a major sporting event might help some businesses related to tourism,

it also causes problems for many local businesses

increased traffic and security regulations make it hard for companies with delivery tracks

increased prices at various shops and hotels are a problem for people that regularly visit to do business


Outlawing gambling is a powerful way to stop crime.

If people fail to gamble, people tends to commit crimes because people want money to pay it back.

Some study suggest that serious gambler is likely to commit crimes.

when people cannot stop gambling, they lose alot of money

they are forced into debt and often comiit crimes in order to pay it back

some statistics suggest that a high percentage of serious gamblers have committed crimes

to pay for their gambling habit

then crime can be reduced


Family are negatively affected by gambling.

Gambler's action to sell goods which are in gambler's house and violate against their family. Money problems with family are bound to fight against family members.

This problem is solved by outlawing gambling.

the most common problem is the loss of money or belongings that were sold to pay for a gambling habit

family members feel confused and hurt by the gambler's actions, often leading to divorce

furthermore, family violence increases in families with money problems

can be solved by outlawing gambling


Thanks to technological development, the modern people can access to more information than the previous American president has 15 years before.

technology now allows people to learn a great deal of things by themselves

the average person with smartphone today has access to more information

as the amout of information available increases

people have more opportunities to learn


The development of medical science contribute to the people's health.

For example the life expectancy has doubled than 1900 years.

And women's child berth are more safer than before, and new born babies are less likely die from child berth.

It is for the development of the technology.

thanks to technology, people are healthier than ever before

since 1900 the global average life expectancy has more than doubled

also, women are far less likely to die from childbirth than ever before

and new babies are far more likely to survive


The human is expected to be around 10 billion by 2050. The earth can not support this huge people.

The nature prevent humans to be consumed resources hugely.

However, because of technological development, nature can not stop human's deed.

unfortunately, the Earth cannnot support so many people

living organisms tend to expand and consume resources as much as possible

usually, ~ gettting out of contral

because of technology, however,

humans have not been stopped by nature, and the outcome may be disastrous 自然に止められることなく


The development of GMO is that it decrease traditional activities for food.

People in developed country eat GMO packed food form giant agricultural company, So, it is unhealthy for human.

Additionally, people can not know how to raise livestock anymore.

developments in technology are destroying many of the world's traditional practices

modern, developed countries

get unhealthy, GMO-packed food from giant agricultural companies

decreases people's appreciation for nature and the animals and plants that ~


Technological development partly contributes to the degradation of nature of which humans are responsible for 50 percent.

It took several hundreds years to cure nature, whereas it takes merely decades for human to destroy nature.

perhaps the greatest problem with technology is ~

it is estimated that human civilizations are responsible for the destruction of nearly 50% of the world's trees

millions of years for the ~ to develop,

but with technology ~ in mere decades 上の文との対比


Impersonal relation is developing so that people can contact people who live far apart.

However, it is not a replacement to face to face interaction.

It is a supplement to in-person meetings.

interpersonal communication has improved

it is now possible to

from almost anywhere in the world

not a replacement for face-to-face communication

in-person meetings


The development of technology leads to hand down the traditional values.

Many people think that its development leads to decrease its values.

In fact, people around the world take advantage of remote the traditional values online.

Such as, woodworking, farming, and using medical herbs.

a common belief about the~ is that

traditional skills and crafts

woodworking, farming, and using medical herbs

without technology,

it would only be possible to learn ~ from people living nearby


Developing technology leads to decrease young people's health.

Children spend their time watching television and games when they should play outside, and children are weak and less muscler that they found simple.

our dependence on technology has led to a ~

healthy hobbies and leisure activities

when they should be outside playing(現在分詞) sports and enjoying nature

becomeing weaker, less muscular, and unable to do physical tasks that~


Technological improvement develop workplace efficiency.

For example, people can share information for several people instantly.

Additionally, companies have less work talking on the phone and several international meeting.

lead to improvements in workplace efficiency

thanks to the Internet,

communicate with several employees, companies, and clients simultaneously

less time is wasted 

traveling for business meetings

repetitive tasks , which are a waste of employees' skills


Online communication is different form in-person meetings.

The common complain is that online communication do not develop human relationship than face to face communication.

However this is not true, because online communication can not replace face to face communication, instead, it is supplement to in-person meetings.

Plus, it can contact people who live far apart.

the Internet suppoirts interpersonal communication

one common complaint is that ~ not as healthy as ~

it increases the overall volume of interaction

this additional method for staying in touch is

valuable for friends and family members that live far apart


Thanks to the development of education system in developing countries, more people can take advantage of this education system.

Additionally, more business workers have many skills, and these employees are able to perform lots of works that they can never do.

This leads to the world where many workers take advantage of their skills and more innovative companies.

the Internet is an important tool for

with limited access to education can ~

more education for a larger number of people will ~

individuals able to perform skilled jobs,


Interaction of direct and indirect respectively is different.

Recent study shows that direct communication is beneficial to develop in person and emotional bonds.

Recent society is vital to do it.

Online interaction is not replace it.

recent studies show that ~

the majority of business executives

arguing that it builds stronger and more meaningful relationships

creating a positive emotional environment is a result of in-person communication,

which benefits both personal and professional relationships



As the increases in the number of people who use smartphones , people are willing to upload their name and information and so on.

This is a dangerous thing. Study shows that the number of cybercrime is enormous.

personal information posted online is~

as Internet usage increase,

feel comfortable purchasing products and entering private information online

 the frequency of identity theft and credit card fraud is ~

the annual global cost of cybercrime is ~


The internet is decreasing moral value.

Thanks to the internet, people are unwilling to post own information.

Also, young people spend their time watching smartphone or games, which result in the decreasing face to face communication.

decrease in moral values

most importantly,

forget about the importance of their local community

looking at social media

less likely to interact with the people around them

drop in ~ leads to  a  lack of empathy for other people


The internet improves moral values.

Thanks to the internet, people have more exchange ideas.

It means that more people think about the situation where many people in developing countries dying from hunger.

As many people who use internet, more people are sympathetic about this situation.

is leading to improvements in moral values

it is possible to interact with

this result in a more sophisticated exchanges of

by understanding more different ~

it is natural to

moral values improve as a result


The development of AI has a potential risk.

For example, if AI has a brain which is clever than human, they limit the human activities.

Furthermore, in the worst case, they think human are killed by them.

though artificial intelligence has many potential benefits,

the risk is too great

if a computer progrm or a robot become more ~

then stopping it would be virtually impossible

such a program may decide to limit the freedom of humans

in the worst case


Even if humans are able to manage AI, the dangerous possibilities exist.

Some AI has a tendency for programming to military purpose, and these would be programmed to kill humans which are too risky.

Also, if AI would get hand by terrorist and corrupt government, This would be a catastrophic consequence.

control intelligent programs and robots,

still be ~

governments are already developing AI for a variety of ~

that can programmed to kill ~

it might to be used by


The merit of artificial intelligence is to increase work efficiency.

AI can do physical tasks involving tedious and dangerous task such as welding.

Its tendency is beneficial to our society.

developments in ~ for all of people ~

already developing self-driving cars

these will decrease traffic jams, save time, and lower the number of accidents ~

as AI programs get better, ~ automate all kinds of ~


Development of AI leads to medical development.

For example, people develop smart computer program which can be better at scanning X-rays in human bodies than human's skills.

Also, if people are developing more AI program in medical science, They can eliminate diseases in human by treating diseases in human.

arttificial intelligence will lead to incredible improvements in ~

smart computer program that are ~ X-rays~

continues to advance, ~ fully diagnose and treat illnesses in humans

with intelligent nanorobots, ~ the majority of ~


The development of space technology is for astronauts to live in space, and they are used to average people in earth.

For example, food in space ship is used to nutrient rich food for commercialized foods to newborn babies.

That is why, space exploration is beneficial to our society.

scientists claim many useful technological innovations ~

by trying to ~

NASA's efforts  to

led to improvements in


Space exploration is beneficial to technological development.

For example, water purification system is one of the reason that space exploration is useful for people to live happy, wealth lives.

If it is possible to every poor community, the third world can use clean drinking water.

space technology research even

developed(過去分詞) to sustain life in outer space are now used to

provides poor communities around the world with access to clean ~


We should use the national budget for space technology to more meaningful method.

There is a growing number of people who are starving or in danger of poverty.

In this situation, it is logical to tackle the problem such as depletion of fossil fuels and increasing poverty rather than building to the space ship.

we could spend the money used for space research on

like developing renewable energy or decreasing world poverty

have a  direct benefit on human lives

not logical to spend money building(動名詞)spaceships

when there are millions of people ~ the world that are starving or do not have clean water


Exploring ocean is more beneficial than doing in space.

Ocean has many living creatures which are used to develop treatment that is needed to cure diseases.

In conclusion, exploring ocean has much potential.

more important than exploring space

claim that exploring and studying the ocean might lead to many important discoveries

it is believed that some of the creatures living in the ocean could be used to develop cures(治癒薬) for many diseases

discoveries like this are unlikely in space


Exploring space is too costly, because it is developed for humans. Human need food or more drink water, and oxygen.

However, robot need not to do them, and which leads to cost down the space exploration.


a major problem with space-related technology is  that ~

it is developed for humans

but it would be cheaper and more effective to only send robots into outer space

it is difficult and costly to send humans into space



The development of medical technology leads to happy wealthy life, because it entails log time life expectancy.

Japanese people is live longer than any other companies people.

That is why Japanese people spend much time on talking to their family members and friends.

the most obviou reason that ~ is always beneficial to ~ is that it allows us to live longer

life expectancy of developed nations continues to increase

this means that we can spend more time with ~


Medical treatment is high costs.

Their current system leads to the situation where world's richest people have access to them.

However, thanks to the development of medical technology, we are approaching era where we can access medical treatment at reasonable prices.

as medical technology improves,

it also becomes much cheaper, and more people receive proper care

right now

are still so expensive that only the world's richest people ~

we are approaching an era in which ~ is avairable to everyone


Developing drug against illnesses is not necessarily good for health.

Scientist discovered if they study more about bacteria which resist diseases and more developing, they create drug-resisted bacteria referred to as superbugs.

This could lead to serious disease that could kill them.

the more we create drugs for some illnesses, the worse they become

promote the development of drug-resistant bacteria, sometimes referred  to as '' superbugs ''

our drugs are making bacteria stronger and more dangerous

this could potentially lead to disease that ~


Traditional healing method has been forgotten in thousand of years.

Doctors give patients various treatment which can cure naturally.

For example, medical herbs, acupuncture is traditional healing method which is used in thousand of years.

as we continue to rely on medical technology,

ignored or forgotten

give their patients various medications

could be healed naturally with herbs, proper nutrition and rest

natural healing methods

have been used effectively for thousands of years


The main reasons why croning should be banned is that it is unnatural for humans.

There would be class division between humans and cloned humans.

This affects human species.

that cloning should be banned is that iti is not natural

if people used cloning to produce and modify humans

cause unnatural changes to ~ in general

there would  likely be class divisions between cloned and non-cloned humans

determining the traits of new generations upsets the natural balance ~


Diversity leads to make species stronger and resistant for changes in temperature and so on.

Cloning however, genetic diversity contributes to decrease its species.

It is harmful even humans.

decreases in genetic diversity are hazardous to animals

plenty of scientific studies ~ make a species stronger

this is part of the evolutionary process

with cloning, however, plants and animals lose their genetic diversity

, making them more vulnerable to problems ~


Cloning research contributes to medical development.

For example, using this technique, replace organ such as kidney and heart are reliable by cloning technology.

Without cloning, such medical development did not show up in the world.

the main advantages of cloning reaserch is its potential contribution to medical science

could use cloning technology to replace organs 

but it will be difficult to develop if~


The main reasons why animal testing should be banned is that this test is not reliable.

The products that is effective for animals do not effective for humans and vise versa.

So, animal testing should be banned.

it is possible that ~ to build populations of endangered and extinct animals

between 200 and 2000 animal species become extinct every year

there is no denying that humans are largely responsible for this

with cloning, we can repair ~


The main reasons why animal testing should be banned is that this test is not reliable.

The products that is effective for animals do not effective for humans and vise versa.

So, animal testing should be banned.

that animal testing ~ is that ~

animals and humans are very different organisms

because of this, some products that are harmful to humans are not harmful to animals, and vice versa

in fact,

most potential phamaceutical drugs that are shown by animal testing to be effective and safe do not pass clinical tests


There are more promising method than animal testing.

Computer-based human cells system is more reliable exact data.

already more ~testing goods

testing method that use human cells and tissues combined with special computer programs are more reliable

even be used to test the effects of various substances on specific organs and cells,

which lads to more acccurate results


Human lives are better than animal lives.

Before animal testing introduced, humans are taken the medicine without animal testing.

This led to a number of people died and caught diseases. In conclusion, people not necessarily harm animals, but human lives are precious than animal ones.

the primary reason that ~ no be banned is that ~

was introduced, ~ without performing safety tests

considerable number of deaths and even more illness

scientists do not wish to cause harm to animals, ~ better option than allowing humans to be harmed


Animal testing teaches scientists a great deal of information.

Animal experiments contribute to medical science.

For example scientists studies the diseases such as diabetes, cancer, Alzheimer or aids.

Additionally, they discovered basic learning process like thirst, reproduction and so on.

Everyone is needed to live happy wealthy lives.

leads to ~

has contributed to medical breakthroughs related to diseases like~, AIDS, ~

also, experimenting with animals has taught psychology reserchers a great deal of information about basic learning process and motivational factor such as ~


GMO's information is scarce.

Because GMO is manufactured by large tech companies and these data is only in those companies.

Reliable safety data is obtained by scientist in companies who are aboveboard.

we do no have enough information about GMOs at this time

regarding GMOs have been funded by the large biotechnology companies that ~

can only be released by scientist without a conflict of interest,


GMO requires much herbicide and insecticide.

GMO resist the herbicide which can eliminate weed ,and insecticide which kill insects.

However, spraying into GMO is harmful for humans who eat this in home.

producers of ~

one of the reported benefits of GMOs is that ~ chemicals that kill weeds

spray more of these chemicals onto  ~

which may be unhealthy for human consumption


Without genetically modified crops, we can not feed 7 billion people on earth.

And several study show that the world will be 10 billion people in 2050.

In order to solve the world poverty, we should do the research that solve the increasing quality of life for us.

the use of ~ we may be unable to ~ all of people on Earth

the human population is  ~

we will need more 70% more agricultural production

because of this growing number,

we need to do everything we can to increae food production


GMO leads to food production costs down, because GMO harvest easily, and need not to use many herbicide.

In order that, there is surplus money, add the extra money can be spend for markers.

Consequently, consumers are beneficial too much.

help keep food production cost down,

which result in lower prices for consumers

~ are reliable, consistent, and highly resistant

this means that ~ are easier to harvest,

so farm using ~ can save money on labor

in turn, this saves money for customers, too


The rich should pay higher tax. Many people commonly said that flat-rate tax system is better.

However, it leads to decrease government funds. Instead, not flat-rate tax can generate funds used by the government.

higher taxes are required for wealthier citizens because this is the best way to generate enough money for government expenses

it is common to hear people suggest flat-rate tax systems

expert economists have shown that these would result in heavier tax burdens for poor people and a lack of government funds


Some people say that the rich should not pay higher taxes, because they work harder than average people.

But this is not correct thing.

There are people who make 1 million dollars per year.

That money is equal to 20 teachers. However, the rich parson can not do the workload than 20 teachers.

many people argue that the rich ~

someone making 1 million dollars per year makes more money than 20 teachers

it is impossible for that person to be working harder than all of those teachers


Rising tax rates discourage capitalism.

More people want to get money so that they work intelligently.

If they do not get adequate money, they need not to work harder, which discourages capitalism.


for rich people discourages capitalism

generally speaking, ~ when they want to ~

there is less reason to work harder when there are higher tax rates for rich people

in other waords,


If tax rates increase, the rich are unwilling to pay tax.

People fell bad about increasing tax which they are required.

For example the rich search for ways to shun tax, depositing on tax havens.

setting high tax rates for rich individuals encourages tax avoidance

then they will search for ways to~

this is one reason why ~ and assets in overseas tax heavens, which ~


Mass media news program tends to be more biased.

Mass media should be unbiased and free from government controls.

Government regulation makes Japan's press freedom ranking to drop in worst level in developed countries.

This is not good for Japan.

and misleading

news programs should be ~ ,honest, and ~ and sponsor controls

unfortunately, this is not the case

~ have caused Japan's press freedom ranking to drop to ~ in recent years


Advertisement often advertise effect mainly for young women.

Especially young women tend to self too conscious about their body.

It might lead to eating disorder such as anorexia which is a serious mental illness.


people cannto escape the  influence of mass media advertising

this is a problem because a significant portion of advertising is designed to make people feel bad about themselves

advertising often makes young girls overly self-conscious about their bodies

this has been linked to an increase in ~


Media has the befits of educational value.

For example, people learn about TV program such as educational channel.

Also, there are other programs which teaches us to science and history.


the greatest benefits of the media is its ~

thanks to news programs, we can learn about what is happening in other areas of the world

popular dramas and comedies teach us an incredible amount of things

plus, the media includes a wide variety of educational programs that teach about topics such as science and history


The media improves people's lives by entertaining people.

People needs story about their lives. No one want to movies and sports that entertain people.

Therefore, media is needed for people to live happy healthy lives.

contiributes to society by ~

entertainment has been an important part of every human civilization


most people would not want to quit watching television or films forever

this is because the media makes their lives more enjoyable

surely, this is  a positive thing


Young people are vulnerable to advertisement such as drink and tabaco than adults.

Young people think that buying these products is fashionable and normal for adults.

However, this behavior is harmful for young people.

research suggest that teenagers are easily affected by alcohol and tobacco advertising

and in these ads it seems like ~

want to try drinking and smoking at an early age


Drinking and smoking too much is harmful for adults too.

For example, the number of traffic accident related to alcohol abuse are 8 times than accidents without alcohol, and heavy smoking would lead to cancer.

So, it is important for everyone to reduce drinking and smoking for their good health.

is bad for the health and safety of adults, too

in Japan, driving-related deaths involving ~ are almost ~ more common than deaths without ~

addiction to ~ is  also linked to ~

surely, less alcohol and tobacco advertising will ~ among all age groups


People drink alcohol and tabaco without advertisement.

For example, France banned advertisement for alcohol and tabaco.

However, the number of people who drink alcohol and tabaco did not decrease.

Consequently, advertisement can not stop drinking and so on.

several studies show that~ when they do not see commercials

in 1991

reported that ~ after the ban

clearly, ~ do not cause people to take harmful substances


It is unethical to ban on the alcohol and tabaco advertising.

Since tabaco and alcohol can do harm the humans, companies take care of showcasing these advertising.

However, as long as companies describe the detail substances which do harm the human's health, companies should be allowed to show advertise these products.

heavily restrict the ~

since ~ harmful substances, it makes sence to force companies to clarify the health risks involved with these products

but as long as they are being honest about the effects of their products, then ~ permitted to advertise freely


People who think they want to quit job have a right to change jobs.

Society might force workers to work long hours , however workers have a right to decline it.

Also, new environment might less decrease in salary.

modern society has many options for those who do not want full-time jobs

people who feel overworked ~ switch to a ~

with fewer hours in a less stressful ~

without a major decrease in ~



Business development benefits for companies not employees.

Business think the most important thing is for companies revenue than employees happiness.

Also companies need many workers to fulfill the workload to get the more income.

business culture in a capitalist society  always benefits the company, not the employees

can be harmful because ~ and lifestyle of ~ and usually value profits over ~

as ~ continues to become more capitalistic,

more common for employees to work long hours and fulfill highly demanding job requirements 


Workers with happy life are more engaged in companies.

Also, workers with well sleep can less make mistakes than without adequate sleep.

So, decreasing working hours lead to make office more efficient.

several studies have shown that ~ , engaged and successful at their jobs


take fewer sick days than unhappy workers,

employees that get adequate sleep are less likely to make mistakes

for this reason, decreasing weekly working hours will ~


When full time employees can not fulfill the work alone, companies can take measures to use freelancer.

Thanks to development of technology, The work which is done online at several place.

So, companies is more effectively to work.

full-time ~ cannot

skilled freelancers to assist them

millions of skilled workers are available for short-term projects online

has been shown to increase company profits in ~


The reason that the weekly working hours should be decreased is that it is not reduced workers workload.

In healthy economy, companies produce many products more than they consume.

shoule not be decreased is that ~ would hurt ~

in a healthy economy, ~ more value than they consume

if people worked less, then they would create less vale for society

in other words, ~ would not be beneficial for the economy


Even if the company workload decrease, company workers salary not increase.

when decreasing salespersons workload, company need to hire more workers to compensate for the previous time.

So, employees benefits decrease gradually.

working hours are reduced,

that needs to be completed will not decrease

get all of this work completed, ~be forced to hire more employees, and their profit margins would decrease

this would most likely lead to lower salaries and fewer benefits for companies' employees


Decreasing working hours are benefit economy.

This system could increase the number of parents who are full time workers.

Because of today's global society, this system are good for increasing working women in Japanese companies over all.

research suggests that ~ could improve the economy

~, by switching to shorter workweeks, more single parents would be able to work ''full-time'' jobs

~ important in ~, where female workers are essential to the future of the economy


Though company should not decrease working hours, the system of extra incentive should be improved.

In general, government force companies to work overtime, consequently, some must do work overtime.

Limited people has a special skills so that they can work overtime.

So, government should increase extra-incentive to pay overtime salaries for these people.

although it is not necessary to decrease limits on working hours,

~should force companies to pay salaried workers for overtime

a large percentage of employees that work overtime have special skills, 

so they cannot be replaced easily

~ deserve to receive extra incentives for completing their work


Japanese society is unlikely to accept failure.

Generally speaking, Japanese are unwilling to do the new thing such as building new startups.

Unless many people accept failure, lots of entrepreneur would build new businesses.

people do not typically start their own companies

worry about failing

japanese society does not accept failure

unless japan starts to accept failure more as a natural part of building a business,

then it is unlikely that the number of entrepreneurs will increase ~


There is a growing tendency for increasing budgets for new business.

The recent report shows that the budget for new startups has doubled since between 2014 and 2015.

Though, Japan is much less funding these programs than US counterpart, the fact is that government support entrepreneurs for new business than ever before.

The number of entrepreneurs is increasing to seek to new business.

the amount of funding and support for ~ is ~ in japan

funding for startups doubled between ~

although new business do not receive nearly as much money in japan as in the U.S.,

this is a sign that suport for entrepreneurs is already improving at a steady rate

will seek to start their own businesses


Local government support entrepreneurs.

For example, the Tokyo city government invest center which supports entrepreneurs who want to do new business.

Also, national government support new system which takes care of new startups held by old citizens.

in japan are working hard to support new business

the Tokyo city government has invested hundreds of millions of yen in a center to support entrepreneurs that are developing new business plans

also, the national government is working on programs to provide funds for businesses started by elderly citizens


There is a lots of ventures in the world, and the number of these is increasing.

For example, The United States has famous new businesses like Uber and Airbnb, and China startup companies are also increasing rapidly.

But in Japan, there is not much the number of entrepreneurs.

The reason is why Japan has not much government funds for creating new business than other developed countries.

much less funding for new businesses in Japan than in other developed countries

the united satates is the home of dozens of multibillion-dollar ventures like uber and airbnb

china's ~ similar success

had hardly any (程度でなく数を強調)hugely successful startup companies in recent years

this alone is evidence that ~ is not supported enough in japan












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